The level of efficiency of the functioning of a production company is influenced, among others, by increasing transaction costs, including those related to the implementation of tasks in the area of ​​distribution.


Distribution determines efficient customer service. Its level is most often determined by such factors as: quality and reliability of deliveries, flexibility of the distribution system, as well as the speed and timeliness of order fulfillment.


Properly developed processes allow you to optimize both direct costs in the area of ​​transport and minimize, for example, losses in production or in the area of ​​customer complaints.

We have warehouses all over Europe:

Goteborg - 800 m2

Birmingham - 600 m2

London - 1.200 m2

Konin - 1.000 m2

Piła - 1.000 m2

Chrzanów - 2.500 m2

Wiesbaden - 1.300 m2

Arad - 1.300 m2

Paris - 1.300 m2

Perpignan - 1.100 m2

Lizbona - 1.000 m2

Praga - 3.000 m2



We offer sale, purchase, rental and cleaning of containers.


Our offer includes:

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Are you struggling with the problem of low availability of trucks, slow response time to inquiries, late deliveries and high transport costs? Test our service!

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    A career in TSL  
    Are you an energetic and optimistic person? Do you like working where contact with the customer is crucial? Join our team!  

    Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Padro Logistics spółka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnością z siedzibą w Chrzanowie, która przetwarza Twoje dane osobowe w celu odpowiedzi na Twoje pytanie. Przysługuje Ci prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu, prawo dostępu do danych, prawo żądania ich sprostowania, ich usunięcia lub ograniczenia ich przetwarzania. Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych znajdziesz w Polityce prywatności

    A career in TSL  
    Are you an energetic and optimistic person? Do you like working where contact with the customer is crucial? Join our team!  
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