Cooperation with Padro Logistics, means time saved - for you, your family and the company
Padro Logistics primary aim is to make you forget the hassle and problems associated with transport arrangements. Fast and effective solutions not only save you time but also guarantee a smooth delivery.
Professionalism and experience of our team makes the offered solutions reliable and risk-free, and a reliable monitoring system provides information and full control over every part of the process of organization of transport of your cargo. We know how to act so that cooperation is exemplary at every stage.
Padro Logistics offers comprehensive logistics, freight forwarding and transport services tailored to the needs of customers from many industries.
We efficiently organize cargo transportation in: road, sea, air, rail and multimodal transport. We specialize in urgent shipments and reloads, especially for the demanding Automotive industry. Punctual delivery time and reliable information about the status of organized transport is an absolute priority for us.
Our offer also includes storage and container services as well as customs handling
Padro Logistics bietet umfassende Logistik-, Speditions- und Transportdienstleistungen, die auf die Bedürfnisse von Kunden aus vielen Branchen zugeschnitten sind.
Wir organisieren effizient Frachttransporte auf der Straße, zur See, in der Luft, auf der Schiene und im multimodalen Verkehr. Wir sind spezialisiert auf dringende Sendungen und Umladungen, insbesondere für die anspruchsvolle Automobilbranche.
Pünktliche Lieferzeiten und zuverlässige Informationen über den Status des organisierten Transports haben für uns absolute Priorität. Unser Angebot umfasst auch Lager- und Containerdienste sowie Zollabwicklung.
European Union, United Kingdom, the Balkans, Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine and Turkey
zufriedene kunden
gefahrene kilometer
tonnen transport
Mitbegründer Padro Logistics
Mitbegründer Padro Logistics
„We are committed to a partnership and loyal cooperation that brings benefits and satisfaction to both parties.”
Wspołpracownik Padro Logistics
„By sending us an enquiry, you receive a fast and comprehensive tailor-made offer, relevant to the market situation.”
Haben Sie mit geringer Fahrzeugverfügbarkeit, langsamen Reaktionszeiten auf Anfragen, verspäteten Lieferungen und hohen Transportkosten zu kämpfen? Testen Sie unseren Service!
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unser Angebot
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